Please find below links to the essential information you should read about the Coronavirus pandemic and how to keep you and your family as safe as possible:
NHS Guidance –
Government Webs Site –
Both these sites are updated regularly, and we also re Tweet useful information from Cheshire East which appears in the right hand column on this page.
Village Hall
Most bookings in the Village Hall have been cancelled for at least a month. This situation will be reviewed regularly in line with Government Guidance and the Clerk will liaise with anyone wishing to cancel or rearrange existing bookings. We are not currently taking any new bookings for the Village Hall.
We were due to publish a Parish Council Newsletter however, the news situation changes so quickly by the time it was printed it was out of date. An electronic Newsletter is available and printed copies will be put on the Village noticeboards.
Contacting the Parish Council
If you need to contact the Parish Council you can phone on 01477 535825 on Mondays, Wednesdsays and Fridays between 1pm and 4pm or in an emergency call 07834 230351.
Alternatively you can e-mail the Clerk at
Contact details for Councillors are on the Council Members Page