We re-opened the Village Hall on 3rd July 2021, with the help of our new Village Hall Supervisors, Yvonne and Chris Duke, who joined us in June.
Yvonne and Chris live in the village and will be able to assist you with your booking and caretaking requirements and they can be contacted at villagehall.goostreypc@gmail.com or on 07425 511680.
Invoices and payments will still be processed by Sharon who can be contacted on 01477 535825.
We are all looking forward to welcoming you back to the Village Hall.
Events at the Village Hall from 19th July 2021 onwards
From 19th July, all legal limits on social contact were removed, dancing and singing permitted. There are no longer restrictions on numbers at events other than those imposed by venues on a voluntary basis or in relation to fire capacity limits. All activities can now take place.
For village and community halls it has been indicated by ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) that all community events and activities and private hires will be able to take place, with risks managed by hirers e.g., through ventilation, encouraging social distancing, hand washing, use of hand sanitiser and wearing of face coverings in certain circumstances.
Yvonne and Chis can assist you with advice on planning and managing your events at the Village Hall so you can resume your activities safely.
Our booking procedure is the same as it was before COVID-19. You can check the date you want to book is free on the Village Hall Calendar on the website, then just email or call and then fill in the form and return it to us. When your booking is confirmed you will receive an email confirmation or a phone call if you don’t have an email address.
We will not be implementing the self-booking system for the time being, however, once we are ready to release this feature, we will be in touch with you again.
Hire Charges
Our hire charges are those set for 1st April 2020, with one exception, the COVID-19 cleaning charge. This is an additional fee which is made on top of your hire charges and costs £4.00 for the Lounge and £8.00 for the Hall per event as Government Advice is that the building is cleaned to a COVID-19 safe standard before and after your event. The cleaning regime requires that the floors and all touch points to be cleaned thoroughly as well as the furniture, toilets etc.
We are also supplying cleaning products and disposable cloths for your use during your hire period, with hand sanitiser on entry and exit from the building.
Hire charges and booking forms are available in the Village Hall section of this website, or from the Village Hall on request.
New Procedures
We do have some new procedures which have been put in place for your safety. These include risk assessments and special terms and conditions of hire. The documents can be found in the Village Hall section of this website.
If you have any questions, or need help please contact Yvonne and Chris.
We look forward to seeing you at the Village Hall soon.