Local Groups, Clubs and Societies

Local Groups, Clubs and Societies

[vc_row][vc_column][lsvr_accordion toggle=”yes”][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Alzheimer’ Society”]Contact:       Marie-Claud Miles

Telephone:      01477 532464


Address:       39 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JD36 


Contact telephone number only for Alzheimer’s Society, please note actual office for the society is based at Leighton Hospital, Crewe.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Bell Ringers”]Contact:        Mike Hodge

Telephone:      01477 537728


Address:       Briarwood, Goostrey Lane, Cranage, Cheshire CW4 8HE


There is a small band of bellringers who ring for the Family/Communion Service on Sundays,for Evensong when possible and,by request,for weddings and other special events. Bellringing is a fascinating activity in which ringers can participate at many different levels from learner to skilled expert where a considerable degree of mental agility is required to deal with with the complexity : great physical strength is NOT needed. New or former ringers are always welcome to help keep the bells ringing. Family Service:09.15-09.45 Evensong:(see Parish Magazine)17.45-18.30[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Blackden Trust”]Telephone:   01477 571445

Email:          contact@theblackdentrust.org.uk

Website:       http://www.theblackdentrust.org.uk

Address:      Blackden, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 8BY


The Blackden Trust cares for a parcel of land that has been occupied for over ten thousand years. At its heart are Toad Hall and The Old Medicine House. The Trust is the guardian of this land and is dedicated to exploring its history. Booked Group Tours – Group visits to The Old Medicine House by appointment.

Follow us:  www.facebook.com/theblackdentrust

Read our Blog at:  www.blackdentrust.blogspot.co.uk


[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Bridge Club (Thursday)”]Contact:  Anne Blair

Telephone:  01477 532552


Address: 13 Forest Avenue,Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8LX


The Club was founded 15 yeas ago. The Annual General Meeting is held in February/March, when the Director, Secretary and Treasurer are elected/re-elected. Thursday Morning and Monday Evening Bridge Clubs provide pairs to play in Team Duplicate Competitions with Clubs in the Area. A small social committee arrange the October and Christmas Lunches.  Both the Monday and Thursday Bridge Clubs meet in the Village Hall Lounge on a weekly basis.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Cancer Support Group”]Contact:    Ruth Robinson                                                 Telephone:  01477 535487

E-mail:       jonrob50@hotmail.com

Address:    40 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JB


Fundraising for Cancer Research UK and other local cancer related charities. The group (formerly Goostrey Cancer Research Committee) has been fundraising in the village for over 30 years. Money is raised for the Cancer Research Campaign, for particular appeals by local hospitals such as the Leighton Hospital Scanner Appeal, and for other groups like ‘Friends of Rosie’ a children’s cancer charity. The village has given tremendous support to our regular events including the Spring Coffee Morning, our Rose Day stall and the Cards and Crafts Day in November, when Christmas cards and craft gifts are on sale and refreshments are available. Anyone willing to help at such events should please contact the Ruth Robinson- Special Events- Coffee morning (May), Kite Festival (July), Lunch with crafts and cards (Nov) Results- Quiz sheets throughout year with funds raised going to charities[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Flower Club”]Contact:   Sally Dyke

Telephone:  01477 533011

E-Mail:      Sally@pointuk.com

Address:   2 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JB


We meet in the afternoon of the second Thursday of each month (except August and December) in the Village Hall and are entertained with demonstrations given by qualified NAFAS Demonstrators. It all began in 1977 when those who had been involved with staging a Church Flower Festival got together at the home of Mrs Betty Murray and decided to form Goostrey Flower Club. Members do not have to be flower arrangers and, although we have a sales table to help with flower arranging basics and a publications table, you can just enjoy making new friends over a cup of tea. Goostrey Flower Club is affiliated to NAFAS and involved in the Cheshire Area events. Special Events – We are a very busy club and have several social events during the year including a Christmas lunch, trips out and hands-on classes. We have about eighty members and all agree that our aim is ‘Friendship Through Flowers’. Visitors are always made welcome – so come along and find out more.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Friends of Goostrey Station (FOGS)”]Contact:    Craig Sidebotham

Telephone:    07526 704218

E-mail:      29craimar@talktalk.net

Website:   http://friendsofgoostreystation.org

Address:  29 Lea Avenue, Goostrey


Friends of Goostrey Station (FOGS) is a group of enthusiastic volunteers who aim to make Goostrey railway station a place which our community can be proud of. We meet on the second Sunday of each month when platforms, paths and steps are swept, tubs of plants on the platforms are maintained and the planted areas around the station are improved. FoGS member and professional artist Debbie Goldsmith uses the restored Victorian wooden building on platform one as her studio.

In 2018, former MP for Congleton Fiona Bruce commented : ‘a real model of constructive joint working on the part of local residents of which this community can be rightly proud’. In October 2019 she tabled an early day motion in Parliament to commend FoGS on their work.

The achievements of FOGS since it formed in 2012 include :

  • opportunities for young people to work towards Beaver, Cub and Rainbow badges and the Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • the creation of a pleasant seating area on the Manchester platform by introducing tubs of flowering plants and mounting an old station oil lamp, the keystone of the old road bridge and awards from Cheshire Best Kept Stations
  • regular exhibitions of artwork by pupils from Goostrey Community Primary School in a platform shelter
  • negotiations which resulted in the repair of a platform shelter; improvements to the car park entrance; reconnection of the water supply; the installation of a cycle rack and display cabinets; plus the restoration of the Victorian modular, wooden building and its conversion to Goostrey Art Studio
  • use of a GIS system to monitor the effect on biodiversity of new bird and bat boxes and bug hotels
  • a gold award from Wild About Goostrey in 2019
  • success in the annual Cheshire Best Kept Station competition : 2014 most improved station; 2016 Art Project Award; 2017 Youth Challenge Award; 2018 Diversity Award; 2019 Campaigns Award; 2020 Special Award; 2021 Sustainability Award; 2022 Best Unstaffed Station; 2023 Art Project Award
  • 11 short-listings from the national Community Rail Awards; 2019 and 2024 first place for a photo capturing the essence of Community Rail; 2022 second place in the photo category, first place for the Most Enhanced Railway Space and an award for our Outstanding Contribution to Community Rail; 2019 and 2020 gold awards for the It’s Your Station category; 2024 platinum award for the It’s Your Station category

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Girlguiding”]Contact:   Jane Stubbs

Telephone:   01477 534658

Email:    jes66uk@aol.com

Address: The Old Barley House, 66 Main Road, Goostrey, CW4 8LG


Girlguiding in Goostrey is thriving with all sections having units: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Senior Section and Trefoil Guild. Further contact information is given below:

Rainbows (5-7 years)  Rachael Bayley   07929 052570

Brownies (7 – 10 years) Sarah Russell  01477 549447 or Suzie Harvey  01477 544270

Guides (10 – 14 years)  Jane Stubbs  01477 534658

Senior Section (14 – 26 years)   Maureen Bayley  01477 571235

Trefoil Guild (18+)  Jo Pierpoint  – 01477 549505[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Gooseberry Society”]Contact:   E Williams                                                            

Telephone:  01477 533405   or  07976795494

E- Mail:     ewilliams.Goostreypc@gmail.com
Address:   Ridge House, Blackden Lane, Goostrey, Cheshire  CW4 8PZ


Grow and show in competition large gooseberries At a meeting held at The Red Lion in 1896 it was decided to form a Gooseberry Show in Goostrey. The first show took place on the last Saturday in July 1897 and this date has been kept ever since. Previous to this a show had been held at Jodrell Hall (now Terra Nova School) and so the new show was to be called The Hearts of Oak Show, a name that has since been dropped. The entrance fee to members was 5/-d (five shillings) and members had to be householders in Goostrey and its surrounding parishes including Blackden, Barnshaw and Allostock. A stringent set of rules were drawn up and apart from a few minor alterations still apply to this day. The first chairman was the Vicar of Goostrey, Rev. Armistead. All berries are judged by weight, the heaviest berry winning every time. Berries are weighed against each other on a set of balance scales and the weight recorded in Troy weight, 20 pennyweights being 1 ounce Troy and 18 pennyweights 5,1/2 grains being equivalent to a shop ounce. Every member who showed a gooseberry in the Premier Class would be awarded a prize. These ranged from copper kettles to jam pans, from crockery to cutlery, all household items designed to calm down the members’ wives whilst husbands were making merry in the Public House. Berries were picked on the Friday previous to the show. Two witnesses had to be in attendance to assure honesty. The biggest of the berries were then placed in a suitable container lined with cotton wool. The lid was then closed, tied with string and then sealed with wax and stamped by a witness, probably with a coin or brass button. This seal had to be intact on show day or the members’ berries were disqualified. At one time there was in excess of 200 shows held in the country, mainly in the counties of Staffordshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Of these, 10 remain in Cheshire, 9 of which form the Mid-Cheshire Gooseberry Show Association and 1 remains in Yorkshire in the village of Egton Bridge, a few miles outside Whitby. Egton Bridge celebrates 200 years of continuous showing in the year 2000 which leaves Goostrey some way to go to catch up.

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goosfest”]Contact:   Janet Ollier

Telephone: 01477 544467


Website:   http://goosfest.com


Goosfest is an arts and music festival held each year in October at various venues in and around the village of Goostrey in Cheshire.   The festival offers a diverse programme, so whether it is classical, reggae, folk. jazz or contemporary music, theatre, stand-up comedy, poetry, painting or craft that turns you on, Goosfest has it.

Goosfest is proud of the many events it has hosted in the past eight years and the artists who have graced its stage.  These include Kiki Dee, Paul Jones, Hazel O’Connor, Georgie Fame, Showaddywaddy and Jacqui Dankworth from the world of music; Sir Andrew Motion, Alan Garner, Simon Armitage, Gervaise Finn, and Louis de Bernieres from literature and poetry; and Jonathan Dimbleby, Nicholas Parsons, Miriam Margoyles, Ian McMillan, Tony Husband, Sarah Millican and John Bishop representing film, television and radio.

Goosfest has also gained a deserved reputation for promoting controversial subjects in its “after the watershed” theatre presentations and has developed a strong link with the Royal Northern College of Music in its programme of classical concerts. Our Cafe Scientifique lectures draw large audiences – the topics have included “Egyptian Mummies” and “Bird behaviour”.  In 2014 the festival hosted an Art Trail, where local artists from the North-West displayed a diverse range of work.

To learn more about Goosfest and this year’s exciting programme go to http://www.goosfest.com/ where you can also add your name to the “Friends of Goosfest” and request to be added to our mailing list.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Community Primary School”]Contact:   Lyndsey Atkins                                 

Telephone:  01270 685658

E-Mail:     head@goostrey.cheshire.sch.uk

Website:  www.goostrey.cheshire.sch.uk

Address:  Main Road, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8PE


Goostrey Primary School is a popular school where pupils are happy, safe and make very good progress. It is the local school for pupils aged 4 to 11. There has been a school here since the 17th century. The school is now on 2 sites, with an older Victorian building for the Junior pupils, situated on Main Road, while the Infant site has some shared space with the community Village Hall. The school is very proud to be at the heart of this thriving community. Goostrey School is a successful school not just for its academic achievement but also for its wide and varied curriculum and high quality teaching and learning. Everyone connected with the school aims to provide the children with the best provision possible with everyone learning and achieving together.  Every year the Year 6 pupils send a report to the Governing Board.
This is an example of one such report.
We would like the Governors to know-
  • We like having the responsibility of running events and promoting our business skills.
  • We enjoy time with our reception buddies and see this as a big responsibility. We love having activities like the Snow Ball and Stockley Farm with them as this gives us an opportunity to really get to know our buddies.
  • We like the teachers’ jokes.
  • We love the annual exhibition and how people from the community come and see our work.
  • We like the challenge work, that we have and games.
  • We love our trips and residential visits.
  • We enjoy having a twin school in South Africa and look forward to when they visit us.
  • We have lots of visitors to school and like what they teach us.
  • We feel well prepared for SATs
  • We appreciate the PTA and all the events that they organise for us like the Film Nights and Discos.
  • We enjoy the community events with are involved in for example– Sunshine Singing, Parish Council Queen’s birthday card competition, singing at the Seniors’ Lunch
  • We love Theme Days they are great fun and a change from the norm – they allow us to develop collaborative learning.
  • We really enjoy the end of SATs party and Year 6 production.
  • The play areas are fantastic – astro turf as well as big school field
  • We are prepared really well for high school.
  • We like all the different subjects and lessons we have.
  • We like roles of responsibility e.g. house captains, curators, eco team, school and safeguarding councillors and Fairtrade officers.
  • We appreciate the ICT in school and how we get to use it.
  • Having different teachers prepares us well for high school
  • Sports Day and cluster sporting tournaments are excellent– having time to work together, but also be competitive.

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Footpath’s Group”]Contact:     Margaret Baker

Telephone:   01477 534238

E-mail:         meb_buckbean@hotmail.com

Address:    2 Buckbean Way, Goostrey, Cheshire  CW4 8JJ


***New website now live:  www.goostreyfootpathsgroup.org.uk***

Goostrey Footpaths Group is an informal group of volunteers who work in co-operation with Goostrey Parish Council and Cheshire East Council Public Rights of Way Unit to maintain and improve rural footpaths around the village, making them more enjoyable and accessible to all, and to encourage the use of these footpaths.  The Group’s principal publication ‘More Goostrey Walks and Strolls’, describing a variety of walks around Goostrey, is unfortunately now out of print BUT SEE THE GOOD NEWS BELOW!!

In addition to ongoing care and maintenance, the Group was responsible for the smart oak finger-posts around the village and, in 2012 / 2013, worked with Cheshire East Council to create two new permanent footpaths linking Goostrey with Over Peover.  A leaflet describing the new paths and detailing two new walks is still (as at December 2021) available free from Goostrey Post Office.

With invaluable help from a local volunteer, Goostrey Footpaths Group has recently (September 2021) launched a new website – www.goostreyfootpathsgroup.org.uk – and both the above mentioned items are available to download and print for free from that website.  The website also contains other, we hope useful and interesting, information about Goostrey footpaths, the Group and how to contact us.  We look forward to hearing from you.

.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Guild”]Contact:      Roger Burgess

Telephone:   01477 535443

E-Mail:         roger.burgess67@icloud.com

Address:      8 Eaton Lane, Goostrey. CW4 8ND


Goostrey Guild was founded in January 2009 following the demise of Keele University’s extra-mural activities. The principal aim of the Guild is to provide short adult education learning opportunities in the village.  Varied autumn and spring term programmes are arranged, augmented by some local visits.

The Guild operates as an independent organisation, which meets on Wednesday mornings in Goostrey Village Hall lounge for a two-hour session between 10am and 12 noon. The format for each session is divided into two approximately fifty-minute periods separated by a 20 minute coffee break. Some thirty members usually attend these meetings and enjoy engaging in lively discussions.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey & Holmes Chapel Art Club”]Contact:     Jean Alcock


E-Mail:         windrush@talktalk.net


The Goostrey & Holmes Chapel Art Club was founded in 1987 by a group of enthusiasts.

The club meets weekly on a Wednesday evening at 7pm-9.30 pm

Members paint in their preferred medium ranging from pencil pen & ink, watercolour, oil, pastel and acrylic.

The annual calendar includes demonstrations by professional artists and inspiration evenings run by members, who are always there to help and encourage each other.

As well as looking forward to the annual dinner and garden party the club holds two exhibitions one in Goostrey village Hall in June and the other in December in St Luke’s Church hall, Holmes Chapel.

Membership is limited due to space but we welcome enquires from interested enthusiasts who may wish to join.

Our aim is to inspire each other and community whilst enjoying the experience that is creating art.


 [/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Parish Archive (GosPA)”]Contact:    Roger Burgess

Telephone:   01477 535443

E-mail:      roger.burgess67@icloud.com[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Pre-School”]Contact:    Rachel Berry

Telephone:  See details on website


Website:   www.goostreypreschool.org.uk


Goostrey Pre-school is a community-based group which has been running in the village since 1967 and has become a valued part of our community.We operate with full support of Goostrey Community Primary School, and offer education and care for children from 2.5 years to school age. We aim to encourage the development and education of pre-school children in a parent-involving, community-based group,providing a safe, secure and stimulating environment and working with a frame which offers equal opportunities for all children and families. All children are offered a specailly tailored curriculum leading to the early learning goals. With a high adult to child ratio (1:4 under 3 and 1:8 3-5 year olds) we are able to provide individual care and attention, whilst encouraging fun and friendship with other children and adults. The last OFSTED inspection was in May 2014.  A copy of the OFSTED report can be found on the website.  Goostrey Pre-School is a non -profit making charity, run by an elected voluntary parent committee. More information can be found at http://www.goostreypreschool.org.uk[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Rose Festival”]Contact:     Christina Burgess

Telephone:  01477 535443

E-Mail:       christina@rburgess.force9.co.uk

Website:    http://www.goostreyrosefestival.co.uk

Address:     8 Eaton Lane, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8ND


Goostrey Rose Festival is a village tradition dating back to 1905 and is held on the last Saturday of June each year. In 2022 it will be on 25th June. The day comprises a procession of decorated floats with many children and adults of the village in costume. The procession ends at the school field where the Rose Queen and Rosebud Queen are crowned in a traditional ceremony. The day continues with entertainments on the field along with various side-shows and stalls.

Rose Day is an important and popular event in the village calendar and is enjoyed by villagers and visitors alike.   The new Rose Queen and Rosebud Queen will be chosen on Saturday 12 March, the same day the committee organise a party to say thank you to the infants for taking part in Rose Day. For the latest information and to book a stall, please look at our website https://goostreyrosefestival.co.uk or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GoostreyRoseFestival/ .

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Scouts”]Contact:    Neil Memmott                                                

Telephone: 01477 544406

E- Mail:     neil.memmott@gmail.com
Address:   28 Woodlands Drive, Goostrey


Beaver Leader –  Sue Mottershead  – 534760

Cubs Leader – Paul Kemsley – 549026

Scout Leader – Neil Memmott – 544406[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Sports & Playing Fields”]Contact:      Sally Ball

Telephone:   01477 534160


Address:     3 Shearbrook Lane, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8PR


The Sports field in Booth Bed Lane is owned and run by a charitable foundation for the community of Goostrey. As such, the small membership fee is an important part of covering running costs and so everyone who uses the field must be a member.  The facilities include multi-purpose astroturf tennis courts (with 5-aside goals and basketball nets), crown green bowls, croquet and football together with a modern Pavilion. The facilities are designed for everyone’s use: the disabled, all ages and abilities, juniors to adults, beginners to expert. Associated clubs – tennis, bowls, football have a number of times allocated during the week so that they can develop their sports. All other times are open to everyone in the community who has joined. We hope that you will feel encouraged to join and use the facilities. Special Events – Various fund raising events throughout the year.

Goostrey sports and playing fields are managed by the Village Hall and Playing Field Foundation, please see the entry for “The Village Hall and Playing Fields Foundation” near the end of the list.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Tennis Club”]Contact:      Willie Dudgeon

Telephone:   01260 408341  or  07812 681636

E-Mail:         goostreytennisclub@gmail.com 

Website:      http://www.goostreytennisclub.com



Goostrey Tennis Club was established in 1996, enjoying the exceptional artificial grass facilities on Boothbed Lane, at the west end of the village.

Club sessions are held on Wednesday evenings between 18.00 and 21.30 (turn up and play) and Saturday afternoons between 14.00 and 17.30 for prearranged doubles or singles.  On certain Saturdays, during the season, competitions are organised for Club Members.

Goostrey Tennis Club is responsible for organising the “Goostrey Open” Tennis Competition, which is open to any member of the Goostrey Village Hall & Playing Fields Foundation (the VHPFF).  The competition has been running for nearly 25 years – initially on private courts throughout the village.  There are competitions for Ladies, Men, and Juniors.

A Floodlit competition runs throughout the winter months.

There is also an extensive programme of Junior Coaching, under the watchful eye of LTA Coach David Richardson.  For further information, please see the Notice Board at the Boothbed Lane Playing Fields.

Goostrey Tennis Club fields teams in the South & Mid Cheshire Tennis League.  Matches are played in three Seasonal League Competitions – Summer (Tuesday and Thursday evenings from April to August), Winter (Sunday Mornings from October to December) and Spring (Sunday Mornings from January to April).

Whether your interest is in playing Social Tennis or competing as a team member in the local leagues, new members of all standards are always welcome to join Goostrey Tennis Club.  Come along to a Club Night before committing yourself to join.

For more information visit the Goostrey Tennis Club website at  http://www.goostreytennisclub.com/[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Wine Circle”]Contact:    Joyce Cook

Telephone:   01477 532879

E-mail:      joycelcook@aol.com

A social group which enjoys tasting food, wine and other drinks. Informative and entertaining presentations on food and drink held regularly, with additional special events throughout the year.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Goostrey Women’s Institute”]Contact:   Marilyn Lloyd

Telephone:   01477 534457

E-mail:  sally@pointuk.com

Web Site:   https://www.thewi.org.uk/

Address:   25 Bank View, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8PB


Goostrey WI, formed in 1921, has over 50 members who attend meetings in the village hall on the third Wednesday of each month, when they enjoy hearing speakers on a wide variety of topics.  Each month members have the opportunity to join a walk, go out to lunch, attend a craft or reading group, play bowls or darts, go on outings and attend classes.  Goostrey WI has always contributed to village life, entering the Rose Day celebrations and donating gifts to the village to mark special WI anniversaries.  These include a weather vane at the sports field and the beautiful wrought iron village sign on the Bog Bean.  Belonging to the Women’s Institute movement, which is non party political and non sectarian, gives members opportunities to make new friends and learn new skills as part of the largest women’s organisations in Great Britain.  We are always ready to welcome new members.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Grapevine”]Contact:       Peter Haseler

Telephone:   01477 533020

E-Mail:          peter.haseler@btinternet.com

Address:     50 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JD


A social group which enjoys tasting food, wine and other drinks. Informative and entertaining presentations on food and drink held regularly, with additional special events throughout the year. Please see the programme of events for 2017/18 below.



Month   Date Event Venue
January 19th Cheese and wine pairing Village Hall
February 16th Annual Dinner The Crown
March 16th Tasting Tutoring Village Hall
April 20th Wine and Chocolate Pairing Village Hall
May 18th Name that Country wine quiz Village Hall
June 15th Blind Tasting Village Hall
July 20th Fizz and Strawbs Village Hall
August 17th Summer Pub Walk & Meal Out
September 21st Australian Wines Village Hall
October 19th Call my Wine Bluff TBA
October TBA Safari Supper Out & about
November 16th Cheap/medium/dear Comparison Village Hall
December 21st AGM & Party Village Hall

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Holmes Chapel Music Society”]Contact:     Jane Perrins

Telephone:  01477 537769

E-mail:       contactus@themusicsociety.org.uk 

Website:    www.themusicsociety.org.uk


The Holmes Chapel Music Society, a friendly amateur group, presents a professional classical music concert every month from October to May at the Clonter Opera Theatre, Swettenham Heath.  We are always pleased to welcome the general public to join us at these events, you do not have to be a member.

Concerts are performed by excellent professional musicians both from Britain and abroad and most are on Saturday afternoon.  However, a special 50th Anniversary Celebratory Concert has been arranged for May 2022 in the evening.  Our artists comprise soloists, usually with an accompanist, or various groups – quartets, trios, etc.  Many of our artists, most of them with high international reputations can be heard on BBC3 and Classic FM.

We usually have one or two young professional artists each season.  Young players whose promise has already been recognised in the world of music, who come and play for us as they seek to establish themselves.  The music we hear is quite wide ranging and fairly catholic in taste.  Society membership is over 200 and drawn from quite a wide catchment area of mid/south Cheshire and north Staffordshire. Goostrey is well represented.

The HCMS website www.themusicsociety.org.uk is worth inspection; it contains information about concerts and ticket prices but also details of the artists and music.  Tickets too can be booked from our website.  For details see our leaflet or the website.  Leaflets are available in the local libraries and information centres.

View Leaflet[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Homewatch”]Contact:      Jonathan Robinson

Telephone:   01477 535487

E-Mail:          Jonrob50@hotmail.com

Address:      40 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JB


Homewatch exists to help residents avoid being victims of crime and help the police catch the criminals. YOU can help by reporting unusual/suspicious events or characters or vehicles.

To do this go to cheshirepolicealert.co.uk and either register to receive E Mail alerts or just press contact and send your message. It will help police to have information in case there is a crime in the vicinity. If you register you can choose what alerts to receive about the Cheshire area. If registered you can e.g. look at local crime statistics

If no E Mail dial 101-the non emergency police no.

The current Homewatch is intended to be an E Mail system, minimising the effort but maximising the effectiveness

We need to recruit coordinators (maybe those from the past) to act as point of contact for the police to disseminate local crime news and warnings, and then onto the coordinators’ local area

We intend to have a network for local news, going from police ->coordinators ->residents

Further contact-Jonathan Robinson 535487,  jonrob50@hotmail.com[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Jodrell Side Women’s Institute”]Contact:          Pat Ingram

Telephone:    01477 535756


Web Site:        http://www.jodrellsidewi.org.uk/

Address:     36 Brooklands Drive, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8JB


We are a group of around 50 ladies and at our meetings aim to have a variety of speakers on subjects such as health, history, cookery, gardening, crafts, antiques and many other subjects of interest to members. We also have several outings to places of interest and try new skills at craft workshops held in the village. There is an established bowling group who meet weekly and compete in tournaments throughout the summer and a popular walking group which visits different places each month for a weekday walk of about 6 miles, usually rounded off with a pub lunch. We also have a book club which meets on Thursday evenings bi-monthly in a member’s home. As part of the National Federation we are able to take advantage of many other activities which are available, both in Cheshire and further afield including a wide variety of courses at Denman College – not much time to make jam! We are always happy to try out new ventures to reflect the interests of our members at any given time and look forward to discovering new friends and activities each year. If in doubt – try us out – come along as a guest to one of our Tuesday meetings, you would be made very welcome.[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Methodist Church”]Contact:     Brian Walker

Telephone:   01477 532662

E-Mail:        annandbri@tiscali.co.uk

Website:     www.danetrentmethodist.org.uk

Address:     6 Nether Lea, Cranage, Cheshire CW4 8HX


Today, the Methodist Church, as a partner of ‘Churches together in Goostrey’ continues to offer the life-changing news of Jesus Christ and seeks in many ways to serve the community. This aim is represented in our church mission statement: We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and in the power of the Holy Spirit recognising we are called to be a welcoming, praying church and to share in God’s mission of love to the world. We value our Methodist Heritage and welcome the opportunity to co-operate with other churches. Our objective is growth; growth as individuals in our relationship with God; growth in richness of sharing together in the life of the church; growth through leading others to Christ.

Special Events – Messy Church for children and parents (contact 01477 533159), Chapel Anniversary on 3rd Sunday in March, Harvest Festival and Carol Services.

Joint Events– shared with St Luke’s Parish Church include Covenant Service and Plough Service in January, Palm Sunday Service, Education Sunday Service in September, Remembrance Sunday Service in November, Charity Lunches on Saturdays in Lent, 12 noon – 1 pm.

Goostrey Methodist Church is a member of the Dane & Trent Circuit and details of events in the circuit can be found on the circuit website www.danetrentmethodist.org.uk

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”National Women’s Register “]Contact:    Shan Thomas

Telephone: 01477 533638

E-mail:       shanhumphreythomas@icloud.com

Website:    www.nwr.org.uk


The Goostrey branch of the National Women’s Register is a small friendly group of women who meet in each other’s homes on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 8pm for lively discussions, stimulating conversation, the sharing of ideas and having fun. We organise our own wide ranging programme twice a year which at the  moment includes discussions on topics such as our favourite work of art, ICT – love it, hate it, or both, Nobel Prize awards and World Heritage Sites. We also take part in the National Telephone Treasure Trail, enjoy occasional walks and theatre trips and go out for a Christmas meal. We are interested in everything and talk about anything and welcome women of any age, so why not come along and sample an NWR evening?

Further details about NWR nationally can be found at www.nwr.org.uk[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Parent Teachers Association”]Contact:     Deborah Boon

Telephone:  01477 544835


Address:     14 Twemlow Lane, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8DT


Fund raising for supporting Goostrey School. The objective of the P.T.A. is to ‘Advance the education of the pupils of Goostrey Community Primary School’. The main way in which we do this is to organise several fund raising events during the year which apart from raising funds for the school, provides plenty of fun and entertainment for the parents of children at the school and for the wider community of Goostrey. We hope you will support and enjoy the events we have planned for this coming year. Special Events – Quiz Night, Giant Sleepover, Indusgence Evening.

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Royal British Legion”]Contact:    Ian Gough

Telephone:     01565 723890


Website:      http://www.britishlegion.org.uk



Helping the sick and aged members of the Legion, with fund raising events The Royal British Legion exists to serve and protect the interests of ex-servicemen and women and their dependants. Advice and assistance is given for disability and war widows pensions; work is found suitable for the disabled; homes and housing are available for the aged and disabled and there are convalescent homes for the sick. Goostrey Branch is greatly involved in fund raising, particularly the Poppy Appeal, to make the Legions work possible. Its special concern are the two convalescent homes, Bying House at Southport and Lister House at Ripon, where Goostrey members have stayed. The sick and aged are regularly visited and wheel-chairs can be provided for the immobile. The Branch helps with arrangements for Remembrance Sunday and has revived in Goostrey the observance of the two minute silence on 11th November. Any ex-service personnel who are interested in joining the Legion and its work can contact the secretary for information. Special Events – Bingo fortnightly on a Saturday night and a special Easter and Christmas bingo, all held in the Village Hall

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Royal British Legion (Women’s Section)”]Contact:      Edna Brandreth

Telephone:   01477 533007


Website:      http://www.britishlegion.org.uk

Address:     16 Twemlow Green, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8DT


Helping the sick and aged members of the Legion, with fund raising events The Royal British Legion exists to serve and protect the interests of ex-servicemen and women and their dependants. Advice and assistance is given for disability and war widows pensions; work is found suitable for the disabled; homes and housing are available for the aged and disabled and there are convalescent homes for the sick. Goostrey Branch is greatly involved in fund raising, particularly the Poppy Appeal, to make the Legions work possible. Its special concern are the two convalescent homes, Bying House at Southport and Lister House at Ripon, where Goostrey members have stayed. The sick and aged are regularly visited and wheel-chairs can be provided for the immobile. The Branch helps with arrangements for Remembrance Sunday and has revived in Goostrey the observance of the two minute silence on 11th November. Any ex-service personnel who are interested in joining the Legion and its work can contact the secretary for information. Special Events – Bingo fortnightly on a Saturday night and a special Easter and Christmas bingo, all held in the Village Hall

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”The Arts Society Dane Valley”]Telephone:  07856 721087

E-Mail:       danevalley@theartssociety.org

Web Site:  www.theartssociety.org


Our base is in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire although we cover a much wider area including South Cheshire and North Staffordshire. We are an informal, friendly group and we welcome new members. We have an exciting programme of events including:

  • Inspirational illustrated evening lectures every month
  • Study days
  • Visits to places of artistic merit

Membership also includes a subscription to The Arts Society  Review, which contains informative articles about the arts, and is a showcase for many of the wonderful projects that The Arts Society members and Societies get involved with.

With The Arts Society membership you will also have:

  • Access to Specially tailored cultural tours – at home and overseas – organized by our hand-picked affiliates
  • Occasional ticket offers and concessions from museums and galleries around the country

Lectures take place on the second Wednesday of the month in the evening atHolmesChapelComprehensive School, Selkirk Drive, Holmes Chapel, CW4 7DX.

Members pay a yearly subscription and attendance is free including

refreshments. Guests are welcome.

See what others have said about the society

A welcoming place to hear expert lecturers share their specialist knowledge about the arts   –  Our Society brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts  –   Just inspiring!    –  Opened new vision and understanding for me  – Thoroughly enjoyable!

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”The Goostrey Companions”]Contact:      Gillian Hurst

Telephone:   01477 534984


Address:     48 Sandy Lane, GoostreyCheshire CW4 8NT


  • To organise outings, get togethers and special functions etc.
  • Interest in local amenities and the environment.
  • Committee Meetings are held on the last Monday of every month.
  • Trips out to different venues, Annual General Meeting in November, Christmas Bingo.

[/lsvr_accordion_item][lsvr_accordion_item title=”Village Hall & Playing Fields Foundation”]Contact:      Sally Ball

Telephone:   01477 534160

E-Mail:         GoostreyVhpff@gmail.com

Website:    https://www.goostreyvhpffbbl.com/

Facebook page:    https://www.facebook.com/goostreyplayingfiels/

Address:     3 Shearbrook Lane, Goostrey, Cheshire CW4 8PR


The Sports field in Booth Bed Lane is owned and run by a charitable foundation for the community of Goostrey. As such, the small membership fee is an important part of covering running costs and so everyone who uses the field must be a member.  The facilities include multi-purpose astroturf tennis courts (with 5-aside goals and basketball nets), crown green bowls, croquet and football together with a modern Pavilion. The facilities are designed for everyone’s use: the disabled, all ages and abilities, juniors to adults, beginners to expert. Associated clubs – tennis, bowls, football have a number of times allocated during the week so that they can develop their sports. All other times are open to everyone in the community who has joined. We hope that you will feel encouraged to join and use the facilities. Special Events – Various fund raising events throughout the year

Goostrey Village Hall and Playing Fields Foundation


The Goostrey Village Hall and Playing Fields Foundation (VHPFF) is a charitable trust acting on a voluntary basis, owning and running the playing fields on Booth Bed Lane, and part of Goostrey Village Hall and acts for the residents of Goostrey and adjoining parishes.

As a non profit making organisation it charges £30 / per household per year for membership to the VHPFF and use of the facilities.

There are active tennis, bowling, croquet and football clubs with their own individual fees for club events during dedicated times. We are officially welcoming organisations representing most sections of the community for all age groups, with coaching for youth football and tennis and we are currently offering reduced membership fees for the over 60’s.

Further details of the VHPFF can be found by contacting : 01477 537864/ 534347 or 534160.


JOIN NOW TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY AND LEISURE IN THE VILLAGE!! [/lsvr_accordion_item][/lsvr_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]