We received an impressive 146 returns from residents (97 by Survey Monkey, 49 hard copy), this is a very good return for a public opinion survey. Our thanks go to everyone who responded and congratulations to the prize draw winners, Jayne and Chris Woodall, David Loft and John Edwards, who have now received their £20 National Garden Centre Vouchers.
The questionnaire returns are very much a record of the ideas and preferences of individuals and different residents chose to complete a response for some or all of the areas. A Parish Council working group has been established to consider the returns for each individual area and to develop proposals for prospective improvements to be determined by the Parish Council.
A summary report has been produced and this is published on this website, along with the full results (for which all personal data has been removed to comply with GDPR).
Some residents included comments about issues outside of the intended scope of the Questionnaire alongside their responses to the Questionnaire. The Parish Council will group relevant issues and raise them with the appropriate authorities on behalf of the residents.