As a result of the increased concern regarding the Omicron variant, we are now preparing to support NHS colleagues with the more rapid rollout of the Covid-19 Vaccination and Booster Programme across all age groups over the Christmas period and into January 2022. Both of these programmes are vital to help minimise the spread of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant, to help keep ourselves and others around us safe.
We are therefore asking for volunteers urgently.
Do you have time to support the vaccination programme (e.g. checking people in, directing them to car parking, sanitising seats in the waiting area)?
What you will do as a volunteer
- Volunteers are needed to help with the Covid-19 Vaccination and Booster Programme
- Training and equipment will be provided on the day
- Activities may include checking people in, directing them to car parking, sanitising seats in the waiting area
- No experience needed
When are volunteers needed?
- Volunteers are required across Cheshire East during December 2021 and January 2022
- Staff can volunteer for week days or weekends including public holidays – schedule will be built around their availability
- Sessions are usually four hour slots
- Volunteers will be able to identify the areas they wish to work and the days/times.
Why are we doing this?
Cases of Covid-19 are rising. This rapid rollout of the Vaccination and Booster Programme across all age groups is vital to help minimise the spread of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant. This will help to keep ourselves, others around us and the wider residents of Cheshire East safe. We urgently need volunteers to help make this happen.
We are therefore keen to do everything we can to support the NHS and our residents in the vaccination and booster programme from now until January 2022. This will help to prevent as minimise the spread of Covid-19 and the new Omicron variant.
How to get involved?
To register your interest, please email giving details of what day(s) you are available and which areas of Cheshire East you would be able to travel to.
What else can you do?
We would urge anyone who has not been vaccinated so far to get their jab and encourage those who have already been vaccinated to go for the Covid-19 booster vaccination as soon as you are eligible to receive it.
Community Development Officer
Cheshire East Council