
Goostrey Tots

Categories: Church, Local Groups

Goostrey Tots was started in September 2023 and is for all tots from 0 to 4. It is run by volunteers from St Luke’s Church, Goostrey and takes place at Goostrey Sports Pavilion, Booth Bed Lane, CW4 8NB every Tuesday during term time from 9.15am to 10.45am. The average weekly attendance is twelve tots and their carers.

The aims of Goostrey Tots are

  • To enable babies and toddlers to enjoy contact with their peers
  • To enable babies and toddlers to develop social and interaction skills
  • To enable parents/carers to socialise and share with each other
  • To provide a safe place for parents and toddlers to engage with the local community

We ask for a donation of £3 to cover the cost of room hire but nobody is excluded if this cost is prohibitive. Everyone is welcome.

  • Contact Info :

  • Contact: Nick Broad
  • Telephone: 07795 683686
  • Email: