Goostrey Village Hall
The Village Hall is conveniently located off Main Road behind The Old Paddock. The Village Hall has three function rooms suitable for a wide variety of events and activities. A fully equipped, recently upgraded kitchen and fully accessible toilet facilities and free Wi-Fi are available to hirers. A Bluetooth music facility is available for hirers of the hall.
View the Village Hall Image Gallery to see the function rooms available.
View the Village Hall Events Gallery to see the type of events which have been held here.
The Village Hall is managed by Goostrey Parish Council and has a team of dedicated staff headed up by our Village Hall Supervisors Yvonne and Chris Duke (contact via email or by phone on 07425 511680). On this page we have tried to give you access to all the information you need to make a booking in the Village Hall.
The Village Hall Supervisors manage all aspects of the day to day running of the Village Hall including bookings, room setup/take down and cleaning services, maintenance and keep all the rooms to a very high standard of cleanliness. Yvonne and Chris can also offer help and advice for organising your event.
“I wanted on behalf of Cancer Research group in Goostrey extend a huge thank you for the help you gave us in advance and on the evening. I thoroughly appreciated the flexibility you brought and ensured that we all had the best out of the rooms provided. I recognise that there was a lot of chair setting out and moving them around in time to work seamlessly with the fashion show group who had a lot of gear to bring in and empty at the end of the night. It was a pleasure to meet with and work with you, and once again a huge thank you and no doubt we’ll meet again very soon as we’re back in on the 5th Nov for our Christmas Market.” Goostrey Cancer Research Group
Room Hire Rates and Discounts
Discounts are available for Goostrey residents and groups, and for those booking more than 6 events in a year who pay in advance. Our Parish Clerk, Emma Bambrook, looks after invoicing.
Room hire rates and service fees are reviewed annually. The rates below are valid until 31st March 2025.
Room |
Standard Rate per hour |
Standard Discounted Rate per hour * |
Local Rate per hour |
Local Discounted Rate per hour * |
Lounge |
£15.00 |
£14.25 |
£12.00 |
£11.25 |
Hall |
£20.00 |
£19.00 |
£16.00 |
£15.00 |
Committee Room |
£8.00 |
£7.60 |
£6.40 |
£6.00 |
Bar Servery Kitchen ** |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
No Charge |
School Kitchen *** |
£50.00 per hire |
£50.00 per hire |
£50.00 per hire |
£50.00 per hire |
Children’s Parties are charged on an hourly basis at the following rates:
Room Rate
Lounge £12.00
Hall £16.00
Committee £6.40
* For 6 or more bookings per year when paid in advance.
** No charge if booked with the Lounge and/or Hall
** The fee for the School Kitchen is not discounted and is only for hire by professional caterers.
Set up/Take Down and Cleaning Services
Hirers who require support for their event for example, providing access for caterers or entertainers, set up/takedown of tables and chairs and/or cleaning can book this service which is based on a minimum charge of £18.00 and is not subject to a discount.
This service is charged depending upon the level of support required, such as setting up and putting away chairs and tables, and the condition and cleanliness of the facility after the event. For example, a charge of £18 would cover basic support for hire of the Lounge only. Hire of the Hall and Lounge with set up and take down of furniture, plus cleaning would attract a higher service charge. Hirers who don’t book this service must leave the whole premises clean and tidy, including the toilets, corridors and foyer area, so that it is ready for the next event. Failure to comply with this rule will mean that charges for cleaning will be made at the appropriate rate which could include overtime surcharges.
A minimum charge of £18 will be made for any booking where food and/or drinks will be provided. Set up/take down & cleaning services must be booked when hiring the School Kitchen and for events such as parties, children’s parties, weddings and discos/dances.
Required Reading for All Hirers
Booking Form including Terms and Conditions of Hire
Contact Information
Bookings and Set up/Take Down and Cleaning Services
The Village Hall Supervisors are the main contact for the Village Hall. They can be contacted by e-mail at or by phone on 07425 511680.
They will arrange to open the Village Hall for your event, if there is a last minute change to your plans please call them direct.
Complaints and Invoice Queries – Call Emma Bambrook on 01477 535825 (13.00 – 16.00 Mon, 13.00 – 16.00 Wed, 13.00 – 16.00 Fri, answerphone outside of office hours).
How to book the Village Hall – Simple 3 Step Process
1. Use the Village Hall Calendar to check if the date you want is free. View Village Hall Calendar
We receive bookings daily and the online calendar is updated when we receive a booking. However, you may want to telephone to check that the date you require is available before sending us your booking form.
2. Next email/phone our Village Hall Supervisor on 07425 511680 to make a provisional booking.
Please note that provisional bookings are only held for 14 days, if we do not receive a completed booking form within that time your booking will be cancelled.
3. Print off and complete a booking form and return it to us at the Village Hall (within 14 days of making the provisional booking), remembering to keep a copy for yourself. Or you can scan the form and send it by e-mail to
Please note if you would like to alter the time of the booking, you need to confirm this with the Village Hall Supervisor before putting the new time on the form, as any changes can have an impact on other hirers.
Hirers Responsibilities
- Full terms and conditions are included with the booking form, by signing the form and sending the booking form to us you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of hire.
- If you are hiring the Village Hall for an organisation or for someone else and you will not be present at the event please ensure you notify us in advance with the name and contact details of the responsible person who will be present at the event.
- You must put all of your requirements for Village Hall Services on the form, or notify them to in writing or by e-mail more than two weeks prior to the event. This will ensure that we can make best efforts to fulfil your request in regard to these services.
Children’s Parties
- Unfortunately due to a number of hirers not paying for children’s parties we now require payment in advance for any children’s party.
- Please ask for a quote when you make your provisional booking, an invoice will be sent out to you prior to your event.
School Kitchen
- Our own kitchen has been improved and you should check with the Village Hall Supervisor regarding the facilities you require before booking the School Kitchen.
- Hirers are reminded that if they book the School Kitchen they are required to use professional caterers, book Set up/Take Down and cleaning services and complete a School Kitchen Risk Assessment Form which must be returned with their booking form to the Village Hall Supervisor by e-mail to