
Methodist Church

Category: Church

Today, the Methodist Church, as a partner of ‘Churches together in Goostrey’ continues to offer the life-changing news of Jesus Christ and seeks in many ways to serve the community. This aim is represented in our church mission statement: We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and in the power of the Holy Spirit recognising we are called to be a welcoming, praying church and to share in God’s mission of love to the world. We value our Methodist Heritage and welcome the opportunity to co-operate with other churches. Our objective is growth; growth as individuals in our relationship with God; growth in richness of sharing together in the life of the church; growth through leading others to Christ.

Special Events – Messy Church for children and parents (contact 01477 533159), Chapel Anniversary on 3rd Sunday in March, Harvest Festival and Carol Services.

Joint Events– shared with St Luke’s Parish Church include Covenant Service and Plough Service in January, Palm Sunday Service, Education Sunday Service in September, Remembrance Sunday Service in November, Charity Lunches on Saturdays in Lent, 12 noon – 1 pm.

Goostrey Methodist Church is a member of the Dane & Trent Circuit and details of events in the circuit can be found on the circuit website

  • Contact Info :

  • Contact: Brian Walker
  • Telephone:  01477 532662
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:
  • Address: 6 Nether Lea, Cranage, Cheshire CW4 8HX