
More on Better Broadband

If you live in Blackden or on Chelford Road, you may soon be able to get fibre broadband. The way to find out if you can get it is to go to the following web address and fill in your details;

If it says you can, you can get an estimate of the speed you will receive by going to the following web address and filling in your details;

One Goostrey resident, whose house is connected to the  Lower Withington exchange, has already switched to fibre broadband and has seen their download speed improve to about 9 mbs which is much better than they received before but still well short of the government definition of superfast broadband ie. 24 mbs.

Please let me know how you get on if you do switch to fibre so I can share your experience with other residents.

A reminder: The Government has announced a Better Broadband Subsidy Scheme which is aimed at premises which cannot access broadband speeds in excess of 2mbs. There are a small number of premises in Goostrey Parish which may be eligible for the scheme.

Details of the scheme can be found at .


Peter Godfrey

Chairman – Goostrey Parish Council