Goostrey Primary School is a popular school where pupils are happy, safe and make very good progress. It is the local school for pupils aged 4 to 11. There has been a school here since the 17th century. The school is now on 2 sites, with an older Victorian building for the Junior pupils, situated on Main Road, while the Infant site has some shared space with the community Village Hall. The school is very proud to be at the heart of this thriving community. Goostrey School is a successful school not just for its academic achievement but also for its wide and varied curriculum and high quality teaching and learning. Everyone connected with the school aims to provide the children with the best provision possible with everyone learning and achieving together. Every year the Year 6 pupils send a report to the Governing Board.
This is an example of one such report.
We would like the Governors to know:
- We like having the responsibility of running events and promoting our business skills.
- We enjoy time with our reception buddies and see this as a big responsibility. We love having activities like the Snow Ball and Stockley Farm with them as this gives us an opportunity to really get to know our buddies.
- We like the teachers’ jokes.
- We love the annual exhibition and how people from the community come and see our work.
- We like the challenge work, that we have and games.
- We love our trips and residential visits.
- We enjoy having a twin school in South Africa and look forward to when they visit us.
- We have lots of visitors to school and like what they teach us.
- We feel well prepared for SATs
- We appreciate the PTA and all the events that they organise for us like the Film Nights and Discos.
- We enjoy the community events with are involved in for example– Sunshine Singing, Parish Council Queen’s birthday card competition, singing at the Seniors’ Lunch
- We love Theme Days they are great fun and a change from the norm – they allow us to develop collaborative learning.
- We really enjoy the end of SATs party and Year 6 production.
- The play areas are fantastic – astro turf as well as big school field
- We are prepared really well for high school.
- We like all the different subjects and lessons we have.
- We like roles of responsibility e.g. house captains, curators, eco team, school and safeguarding councillors and Fairtrade officers.
- We appreciate the ICT in school and how we get to use it.
- Having different teachers prepares us well for high school
- Sports Day and cluster sporting tournaments are excellent– having time to work together, but also be competitive.