
Proposed withdrawal of Bus 319 route between Holmes Chapel, Cranage & Goostrey

Cheshire East Council is currently reviewing the bus services that it supports in the borough.  There are a number of proposals to cut or reduced bus services however, the one bus service that Goostrey has, linking it to Holmes Chapel is proposed for withdrawal, and any residents without alternative transport will have to use the “Little Bus Service” which is a type of dial a ride service but does have some drawbacks (details of service in the Information Booklet the Questionnaire below.

View “Bus Service Review 2017 – Information Booklet”

View “Bus Service Review 2017 – Questionnaire”

If you prefer a paper copy please ring the Parish Office on 01477 535825 to obtain a copy of each.

It is very important that all residents who use or may want to use the service complete a questionnaire and return it to Cheshire East Council before 26TH JULY 2017 and that you use the bus service as much as possible in the meantime.

The Parish Council has formed a working party to find out more information and to liaise directly with Cheshire East Council.