

The Friends of Goostrey Station Need YOU!

Have you thought about becoming a Friend of Goostrey Station? Our monthly working parties have started again and new members are always welcome to join us.  Some people sweep, some tend the...


‘Communicare’ - (Holmes Chapel & Area Christian Communicare) - was founded in 1981 as a Caring & Transport service, and until suspension owing to Covid, its Volunteer Drivers carried...

Housing Developments in Goostrey

During 2020 Cheshire East Council ran consultations on Part 2 of its Local Plan (also called the SADPD or Site Allocations and Development Policies Document).  The Parish Council is aware that two...

Dog Waste – Bag it and Bin it!

During the pandemic one of the great pleasures of living in Goostrey is being able to go for a walk  around the village or on one of the many public footpaths.  Families, individuals and dog...